How to Start a professional Instagram Business account

Starting your Instagram

Before you start your Instagram, you need to define what your goals on Instagram. Are you interested in monetising? Do you want to become an influencer? Do you want to increase your own other business?
Whatever it might be, you need to find your goals before you start an account.

Selecting your niche

A niche in Instagram is any field of interest that your page is committed to.

The most common niches are travel, fitness, comedy, luxury, quotes, fashion, etc.

To find what niche suits best for you, look at what you are interested in. Do you like sharing pictures of sports? Then you might consider starting a page in the sports niche. Are you passionate about exotic cars? Then start a car page. So, that is the main point, your interest

Select a niche and make sure all your pictures are related to that niche.

Selecting your Sub Niche

If you prefer to cover an entire niche in general, that's okay.

But it is better to determine your account type as clear and as soon as possible.

Some examples of sub-niches are:
  • TRAVEL: Travel photography, travel selfies, travel hotels, etc.
  • LUXURY: Cars, Money, Watches, Branded phones, etc.
  • SPORTS: Cricket, Football, hockey. etc.

Selecting your Username

selection username on instagram, millionaire addicted

A @username is the key to your Instagram account. It is the first thing your followers will notice about your page. Almost all successful pages have great usernames. Use this process to find yourself an ideal username:

Less is more - Always try to make your username as short as you can.
  • The less "." and "_" the better.
  • Make sure to spell the words correctly
  • Make sure the username is niche-related (if you wanna go with car niche, use the term related to your car niche with a great combination of your sub-niche.)
  • Don't make it too fancy with numbers and letters. keep it simple as much as you can.

Selecting your Name

selecting name on instagram, millionaire addicted
selecting your name

Your name has a very important function on Instagram.
It is used to rank your account in search engines. This means that whenever someone makes a search online (either on Instagram or on Google), the result shows accounts with those Keywords in their usernames and names. This means you have to use maximum keywords for a better chance to be exposed to a larger audience.

To optimize your name follow the steps:
  • include your niche or sub-niche
  • include Emoji related to your niche
Good Example:
Money | Motivation | Millionaire
Millionaire Addicted

Bad Examples:
I want to motivate all of you.
we are millionaire addicted.

Selecting Your Bio

example bio for instagram, millionaire addicted
selecting your bio

When someone visits your profile, they will read your bio to get more information on what your page is all about. A good Instagram account has a strong bio that is attractive and to the point.

Use these steps to create a powerful bio:
  • Clarify your goal on Instagram
  • What kind of page is it? (Quote page, car page, comedy page....)
  • What kind of posts can people expect when following you?
  • Name awards and achievements (if any)
  • Share a method of communication (email, S.M.S., etc)

Selecting your Profile

selecting your profile on instagram, millionaire addicted
selecting profile

A good profile picture will provide visual insight into what your page is all about. It should catch the attention of new users if the picture is effective enough.

Guidelines to create an effective profile picture:
  • Choose a photo that is consistent with your brand and niche.
  • Use the same profile picture across all social media platforms.
  • Don't change your profile picture every month!
These are the best methods to start your Instagram journey. So, start your own Instagram business account by following these methods.

Recommended: The Best way to use Instagram for Business.

If you have any queries regarding How to Start a professional Instagram Business account. Let me know, just write down below, under the comment section!


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